Recently I blogged that eossonline was actively seeking five “Early Adopters”. As feedback to that blog post I have been asked a few times “What exactly is eossonline looking for in an Early Adopter?”. Well hopefully this blog entry will help explain what were looking for.
There are several sources on the internet that give some pretty good explanations of the term "Early Adopter" but the one I like most is the definition provided by Wikipedia:
“Typically this will be a customer who, in addition to using the vendor's product or technology, will also provide considerable and candid feedback to help the vendor refine its future product releases, as well as the associated means of distribution, service, and support.
The relationship is synergistic, with the customer having early (and sometimes unique, or at least uniquely early) access to an advantageous new product or technology.In exchange for being an early adopter, and thus being exposed to the problems, risks, and annoyances common to early-stage product testing and deployment, the lighthouse customer is given especially attentive vendor assistance and support, even to the point of having personnel at the customer's work site to assist with implementation. The customer is often given preferential pricing, terms, and conditions.”
In our case “preferential pricing terms” means FREE for life, because we want you to be there and actively involved in defining every feature both now and in the future as part of a team. Businesses that are prepared to work with us through all of our teething problems on a day to day basis to help ensure that eossonline meets both of our needs through state-of-the-art application integration. We are not promising to resolve all of your integration and or automation needs, just the areas in which eossonline is being designed to address and you can be an active part of defining these areas.
Our perfect early adopter partners will be businesses employing between 5 and 100 people willing to replace or change their current business infrastructure and or business processes, where necessary, to simplify their day to day administrative tasks and improve their customer engagement through social technologies .
We don't want to change what your business does, we want to work with you to develop an integrated business eco system that will help businesses to work smarter and take full advantage of today's social media capabilities using only the tools and mobile devices you are already familiar with.
So, if you are interested in maximising the way your business engages with people for the better, saving time on mundane, repetitive, administrative tasks and you think you would be a good fit for us, then just send an email to with a short description of what your business does, why you think we would be a good fit and who we need to contact.
Steven McArdle CTO
On behalf of the eossonline team.